• Can JTBD be explained by a hole in the wall?
    Can JTBD be explained by a hole in the wall?

    In the 1960s, Harvard Business School Professor Theodore Levitt said; “nobody wants a 1/4″ drill, they want a 1/4″ hole”. This single sentence is one of the clearest…

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    4 min read

  • Is the Customer Always Right?
    Is the Customer Always Right?

    “The customer is always right” is a saying many businesses tout. One that comes to mind is Stew Leonard’s, a New England dairy store. Engraved in a large…

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    4 min read

  • What is Innovation?
    What is Innovation?

    If you ask one hundred people to define innovation, you’re likely to get one hundred different answers. The simplest definition is one the late Clay Christensen used consistently:…

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    4 min read

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